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Denise Unterwurzacher
department management / quality management
Decubitus Prophylaxis

Decubitus is a topic of special interest, not only for elderly care but also for nursing in general. It engages in equal measure the services of nursing staff, physicians, nursing scientists, and caretakers. Pressure sores (decubitus) can often be avoided or, if already present, can be treated by taking specific care measures and using special treatment aids such as anti-decubitus patient positioning systems from MOLTOPLAST HEALTHCARE. The objective should always be the avoidance of such pressure sores. To this end, diverse measures that are mutually compatible, enabling and rehabilitative should be taken. The most important measures are mobilisation, proper resting positions, and the release of pressure from the patient's body. Mattress systems from MOLTOPLAST HEALTHCARE can be utilised successfully and economically in all three of these areas.